Friday, July 17, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Mikel Kidd aka PK or piffkrack

[willie?,george,pk] btw thats the comnwealth fitted i gave him recently

How do i start this, first of all ima talk about how i met him.

i met pk initially thru myspace, he added me an from there we didnt really talk. i noticed he collected sneakers and we shared the same intrest for music and etc . .

well during the fall i moved to stay with my gma and it was the hardest thing to cope with

i had a new job and new place to live :/ doesnt seem like a big deal but around that time i really had very FEW friends
i slowly became depressed and i would send bulletins on myspace to vent how i felt
well out of the blue one day he sent me a comment and he wanted to be my friend
im not really fond of guys doing that but it was like i could tell he really wanted to be there for me since everyone else has abandoned the scene
we exchanged comments and soon messages, speaking on sneakers and him showing me support like a REAL friend should

later on afte we talked thru myspace we soon exchanged numbers and it led to a very supportive friendship,he was there for me when i truly needed someone
my depression soon came to a halt with the thanks of him, we started to go into convo about his clothing line called relaced with whom he shared with maada (
he told maada about me and soon me and maada became good friends as well chatting thru myspace about the culture of collecting sneakers and streetwear
months pass by and maada and pk came to an agreement to let me be apart of the relaced crew!
we shared ideas on diff things and soon he wanted everybody to exactly know who i was.
so he threw a get together and introduced me to ppl just like me and him that shares the same passion for streetwear and sneakers
after that it was well established that i was apart of the team, one thing led to another and he decided to expand his dream into [] which was in the workings as something major, he released tees ,stickers ,and created graphic designs for soulconn

Around 8 last night driving on the interstate the suv of which him and several others were in flipped over numerous times ejecting several passenger without seatbelts making pk one of them! George died instantly on the spot and pk soon died at riverside hospital and another passenger, willie wells died overnight to crucial infractions :,(

out of all the ppl ive ever came across in my life pk was the only one to actually take the time out of his schedule to help me out with my depression.
he was dedicated to getting his dream out there and into the real world.
ive traded shoes with him, and fitteds all the way down to watches.
not once would it go thru my mind that somebody great would just pass away, when i found out about it i didnt sleep all night and i shed tears in my bed
pk was more than a friend to me, he was like a older brother
he was one of those guys that would do anything to make his friends happy, and his life just ended within seconds :(

i am VERY heartbroken to this loss!
his bday was the other day and i was soo busy that i couldnt reach out to him in time to wish him a happy one
i feel like apart of my history is gone, and the bad part about it is i didnt even get to say good bye :(

Rest in peace george, pk ,and willie you all will be missed dearly


Anonymous July 18, 2009 at 4:03 PM  

Yo I had no idea that your friendship had started like that man...he really was a stand up dude. When you go to the funeral tell his parents that I am sorry I could not make it.

R.I.P to these three.

Mattie July 18, 2009 at 6:21 PM  

yeah man, it seemed as if, if you lived in NN you had to know who he was, he networked with everybody and thru that way we became friends and that led me to meet tons of other ppl with the thanks to him. collecting sneakers wouldnt be the same without him and now that he's gone its all meaningless ya know? what matters more, the cool or your life? but in his name i will continue to do what ive learned from him. unfortunately i cant make it to his funeral, i wont have transportation :(

Anonymous July 19, 2009 at 3:24 AM  

I've been in a rut for the past week thinking about a lot of things...I feel that life is way to important to be sitting on the sidelines crying about the small things. After reflecting over the lose that many of my fellow friends experienced this week to some of our friends who have left us and gone to their respective places in heaven. I have realized that time waits for no man and from here on I will live with no regrets of anything I have and have yet to do. I pray to guide that he guides me through those events that will take place in my life and I hope that he will show mercy to the careless maistakes on my behalf. I hope that many of you learn a lesson from waht has happened this past week. And, take it as a stepping stone because any of us that have known the three well missed gentlemen than you know that they took their days seriously.

So, read this and think carefully on the next move you make because lost ones are hard to deal with. Especially, the those your close to...BE SAFE AND KEEP GOD FIRST.

kevG™ July 19, 2009 at 7:08 PM  

damn son. i visited my gramma in downtown nn today & she asked if i knew anybody in that accident & i mentioned u were real close with one of em. apparently, like u said, if u stayed in nn, u had to know him cuz she said my cousin out there knew everybody in the truck. smh, always sad to see our fellow ppl go too soon.

r.i.p. pk. wish i knew u

Mattie July 21, 2009 at 8:27 AM  

im still speechless :(

Anonymous August 3, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

God bless you bro! I am glad that you are PK `s (POOKIE) friend,he was definitely blessed to have a friend like you and i know he thought alot of you! He spoke to me of you all the time.He cared about all of his friends!If i can ever do anything for you , just to talk or anything reach out to me through e-mail and I will leve you my phone number.Much love to you!!!

Carl Kidd
(PK`s Dad)

Maada August 14, 2009 at 3:08 PM  

You have not lost a part of your life brother, for he will always be with us in spirit and memories. We will do Piff a favor and resurface Relaced and perpetuate that project. Relaced lives on! Wordlife.

Anonymous August 20, 2009 at 8:26 PM  

"Some people make the world special just by being in it."

It's funny to just search Bubba's name and this pops up. I'm Shannon me and Pat pretty much grew up together.. we were very close but fell off a little when he moved to Williamsburg years ago.. but then found friendship again a little over 3 years ago.. although time had made it's way between us me and patrick always considered eachother best friends nothing will ever change that.. he could brighten up my life with just a simple smile and when someone can do that you know they are a friend for life.. It's extremely hard to accept the fact that he is no longer with us.. i still find myself having nervous break downs because a friend like him only comes once in a lifetime.. He was a very special person to everyone he talked to.. and he never had any problem with talking :) .. Maada I love you and I will always be here for you.. I remember when we were trying to get Relaced kicked off going to shirt shops and making plans and decisions at apple bees..
Patrick I miss you and George dearly.. you have a lot of people to look after.. but i know that will not be a problem..
may Patrick, George, and Willie rest in peace

Kelly Kidd September 23, 2009 at 9:01 PM  

Hi I am his momma Kelly sometimes I stand in the living room and yell his name hoping he will answer..... he does not. I look at the stop sign on our street where he slapped a soul cnsr sticker every morning when I walk the dog. I smell his ball caps and his tan stocking cap that smells just like his head and I will never wash it. I look at the place we had his birthday dinner and we sat side by side and touched knees the whole time he ate dinner (he and George celebrated his 19th birthday on Monday the 13th at Berrets with his family) I know I can't do anything about this horrible accident but it is all I think about. I can't help but wonder why we as a family have to suffer every single day. But I guess God had a purpose for him and it sucks so bad to cry every single f-ing day! To everyone that misses him thank you for the thoughts and prayers I love you all. Kelly Kidd

Anonymous October 14, 2009 at 6:04 AM  

it's weird. i googled his name and found this. i was dating Patrick since the spring time but i'v known him since my cousin Bryce moved to NN. you must know him if you were close with PK? he use to speak of you when he would be on a roll talking about kicks :) Life is weird and works in ways that we can't even begin to understand. Patrick and I spent the whole summer going back and forth between MA (where i live) and VA. I was getting ready to go back a week to the date after the accident to go on vacation with him, his fam, and George. We were talking all day long that day. but i truely believe everything happens for a reason and like momma Kidd said, God had a bigger plan for him.. and for all of us that he took him away from. we just have to lean on eachother. I just always sit back and think about what my life would be like if this never happened. Even though we were only together for a couple months, i feel really honored to have him as my boyfriend and i feel even luckier that he has been on of my bestfriends for several years now. i feel lucky to have known someone who had such a deep impact on ALOT of people. there isn't a day, or 15 minutes really that pass that i dont think about Patrick or Georgie. they are always in my thoughts and i cant wait until we all get our chance to see him again.


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