Friday, June 26, 2009

Long postttt.

Been awhile since ive shed light on my personal life lol anywayssss here it iss the pic up there is my little brother,on fathers day i enjoyed presents an whatnot then me an him kicked it on the blvd basically went to go grab some food.while we was walking we seen this wall lmfao dumb kid shit lmao but it was cool after that finally ate an on the way home i seen some cops.YES im reckless lmfao :] i kinda look like chris tucker in rush hour lmao anddd thatsss a wrap!

YESSSSi do other shit too,like work eat and sleep.but im currently in the wrong mindset in the wrong place.growing up is hard believe it or not.your family turns on you for the dumbest reasons and shit gets hectic.thank god im alive!

BUTTTTT besides that micheal fucking jackson left the world yesterday :(( we all should be sad right about now,he was the greatest in all aspects, I got a text today saying how micheal would be melted or some shit like that due to high traces of plastic an that after he is melted he would be made into legos so he would have his dream and all the little kids would play with him : DEADASS and for the people who poked fun of him for the whole little kid situation should burn in hell or just stay alive and have cancer,and on some random ass day while your at subway getting a spicy italian footlong you gag at the sight of pepperoni and start bleeding from the ears an penis or vagina,then slowly die while choking on your blood GRAPHIC :]] i know, but think of it like this.mike has broken barriers no other artist has.he has sold 750million records worldwide,owns the masters to the beatles music,neverland,and did ya know he owns eminems and his whole camps music catalog lmfaoooo i would never fuck with mike.hes damn near genius.
But he spoke for equality and racial diversity.he was a GREAT man and his father deprived him of his childhood :/ soooooo if you can somewhere somehow.just go buy a michael jackson CD any of em really they all are great IMO listen to his message.he is kinda the only singer ever to spread such a great message an sell sooo much

R.I.P Micheal joseph jackson 1958-2009


Anonymous June 26, 2009 at 11:47 PM  

Yo it looks like you trained the little bro well on the gear...LOL. Tell that dude I said what's good.

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