Sunday, August 16, 2009

Still In Effect.

Shit is real!

A year ago I was at Office Max getting school supplies for High School-ecstatic that it was my last year; at the moment, i'm in Richmond for College. So as I sit at this Great Wraps on Broad Street, trying to fast forward a year into the future, one thing remains on my mind; I'm not ready to grow up.

As soon as you think you're grown and can tend to yourself, life slaps you in the face and kicks you into the real world. You HAVE to do everything necessary to survive, rather than having someone there doing it for you. As easy of a transition it may sound, it isn't.

But then I look at everything my homie Mattie went through within a course of a year, and how all the bitching i've done in this post doesn't relate to the problems he's overcame and how he's grown as a person; it gives me reassurance that things will pan out.

So in the spirit of Matthew Neal Bass, CXXD is here to STAY; with or without anything physical to show for it. Imma hold it down son. Come home in one piece.

- Keenan Jackson


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